A4E was presented by Adam at the CAP 2022 conference, held in Sydney. A longer version of the presentation was also given as a seminar hosted at HAA Victoria but to the wider Canadian astronomy community. Vanessa led a new Comment to appear in October in Nature Astronomy discussing the hybrid functionality of 3 major meetings held earlier this year, including the EAS and ASA annual meetings. The Future of Meetings (TFOM) community is running a series focused on “science for public good” (https://s4pg.tfom.org) in a virtual reality platform, partly focused on technology demonstration showcasing how online meetings can be engaging while also being inclusive and sustainable. As an good step the Astronomical Society of Australia is working to establish a permanent Slack space for the Australian community, as a way of enabling ongoing asynchronous engagement online in a coherent way. If effective, this might be a useful model for other astronomical societies. Currently, the help from all the Australian TFOM members is a strong support for the ongoing activities in organizing the A4E symposium.
If you are interested to participate, please, join the slack channel #region_australia_oceania or contact Vanessa Moss, Natasha Hurley-Walker or Adam Stevens