There is nothing like an eclipse to put humanity on the same cosmic page. How might we use this inspiration to solve one of the greatest challenges facing humankind? As a truly international effort, the A4E eclipse video is now available in additional languages including Spanish, Japanese, and French. This ~3-minute video was created by Steve Agno Films in collaboration with the A4E Resources Working group. Its timely release coincides with the 2 solar eclipses across North America during the 2023-2024 timeframe, but the video was created to be general such that it can be used across the world for future eclipses on any date. Several A4E members have volunteered their time to help translate the video into multiple languages. Links to all four language translations are provided below. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2243011.
English: Alignment of Planet Earth
Japanese caption translation provided by Yoko Okada and Claire Komori: エクリプスー天体の整列と私達: 日食や月食ほど人類を宇宙の神秘に引き込むものはありません。食は人類が直面している最大の 課題のひとつを解決するためのヒントへ導いてくれるでしょうか?この動画は米国国立科学財団 (NSF)による助成(助成金番号 2243011)を受けた研究に基づいています。日本語翻訳:岡田陽子、小森紅亜
Spanish translation provided by Breezy Ocana Flaquer:Alineación del Planeta Tierra: No hay nada como un eclipse para poner a la humanidad en la misma página cósmica. ¿Cómo podríamos usar esta inspiración para resolver uno de los mayores desafíos que enfrenta la humanidad? Este material se basa en el trabajo respaldado por la Fundación Nacional de Ciencias bajo la Subvención No. 2243011
French Narration and Translation provided by Nausicaa Delmotte and Mathilde Bouvier: Alignement de la planète Terre
If you can help in the continued translation effort for A4E videos please contact Kathryn Williamson or join the slack channel for the Web Resources Working Group: #resources_general